Thursday, June 19, 2008

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Political prisoner Larry Sinclair's press conference

  • On Wednesday, Larry Sinclair issued a statement to the world regarding presumptive U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama's crack-smoking ways. In a brazen act of Gestapo-type terror tactics, US Marshals kidnapped Sinclair immediately after this performance at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

    Other audio files of this press conference circulating on the Internet are missing the crucial final minutes of the press conference concerning the murder of Donald Young, restored exclusively by .

    This MP3 also contains audio of the aborted press conference which immediately followed Sinclair's, concerning that organization's bribe-taking from the Obama campaign.
  • Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    Total Info Radio v3.20


  • Obama abandoned by his mother - twice!

  • Harlem's Rev. Manning preaches on Hitler, Obama and the Anti-Christ

  • Shatner exposes NASA's latest Mars cover-up

  • Czech President Vaclav Klaus on the green shackles of the global warming scam

  • Rep. Dennis Kucinich inmpeaches Bush on Katrina (and 34 other things)

  • Ron Paul on the true costs of the Iraq war
  • Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    Vol. 3 No. 19


    # Obama kidnaps press corps, goes to Bilderberg
    # Harlem's Rev. Manning preaches on Obama's bigoted supporters
    # Bush on cocaine again?
    # Colbert grills Bob Barr
    # Steering hurricanes
    # Ron Paul on the Fed
    # Ron Paul grills members of Iraqi puppet govt
    # "Gray" "space-alien video" controversy
  • Sunday, June 01, 2008

    Total Info Radio Vol 3 No 18

    * Newt Gingrich issues terror threat

    * Presidential politics with Webster Tarpley

    * Obama sex/drugs/murder scandal comes to DC, DNC

    * Harlem's Pastor Manning on antichrist Obama

    * Beck's "Chemtrails"

    * Update from a Ron Paul delegate on the GOP state convention in Minnesota

    * Hon. Dr. Ron Paul on the new farm bil