Friday, June 12, 2009

Dr. Peter Beter: Henry Kissinger Organic Robotoid Pt. 2

Under his million-dollar a year contract with NBC, Kissinger was periodically taping interviews to be kept on hand for instant use whenever they might prove useful. All of Kissinger's answers that you saw and heard last Sunday were taped over two months ago on Saturday, January 20, 1979; but that session was not shown the next day on "Meet the Press." Instead, the guest that day was Leonard Woodcock, newly designated Ambassador to Red China. The footage you saw last Sunday of the panelists on "Meet the Press" was taped early that same morning, March 25. Each of the four panelists asked questions which were designed to fit Kissinger's answers of two months ago. In addition, several scenes were shot using a look-alike to be used at commercial breaks and at the end. In these brief scenes the panel were seen on the left of your screen facing the alleged Kissinger on the right; and as you may have noticed, the Kissinger stand-in sat as still as a zombie in those scenes without saying a word. Finally, computerized video tape editing techniques were used to splice together the new questions, Kissinger's old answers, and the 'break' scenes. The net result was "Meet the Press" for March 25, 1979--a TV hoax
by NBC.

Dr. Peter Beter: Henry Kissinger Organic Robotoid

Dr. Peter David Beter was General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank of Washington; a candidate for the governorship of West Virginia; cofounded SODESMIR, a mineral exploration company in Zaire; represented American gas utilities building a pipeline the length of Argentina; represented mining interests in underwater manganese nodule exploration in the Pacific; was featured at financial seminars in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Geneva, and other international financial centers. As a political and economic commentator, Dr. Beter worked with Wall Street luminaries including Franz Pick, Edward Durell, Colonel Curtis Dall, Norman Dodd, Emmanuel Josephson, and many others. He wrote prolifically, including Conspiracy Against the Dollar (Braziller New York).

This audio is from March 1979, and concerns the replacement of Dr Henry Kissinger with an organic robotoid lifeform.